
North Bluegrass News

Saturday, January 18, 2025

KENTUCKY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: NEA RA statewide nomination process Deadline is January 15, 2020


Kentucky Education Association recently issued the following announcement.

The  2020 NEA Representative Assembly will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, July 2 to 6.

Nominations must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. eastern on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.  

All delegates at the NEA RA are members of their state affiliates who are elected by their peers.  There are two ways for an Active KEA member to be elected as as delegate to the 2020 NEA Representative Assembly: as a "statewide" delegate or as a "local" delegate.

Statewide delegates represent the membership at large. Only Active members (certified or ESP) are eligible to be elected as statewide delegates. The number of statewide delegates from KEA will be allocated by NEA in mid-January.  Statewide delegates receive a stipend from KEA to help cover the cost of travel, hotel, meals and other expenses incurred to attend the NEA RA.  Expenses in excess of the stipend are the responsiblity of the delegate.  If the entire stipend is not spent, the remainder must be returned to KEA.  All statewide delegates must attend all business sessions of the NEA RA and must timely submit a detailed voucher, with appropriately detailed receipts.  The KEA Board policy regarding statewide delegate responsibilities can be found here. 

Statewide delegates are elected regionally; the region in which you are elected and in which you can vote is based on the county in which you work.  The election for statewide delegates to the NEA RA will be held from March 1 to 31, 2020.  Delegate candidates are ranked according to the number of votes received (from highest to lowest), and are placed into delegate slots in that order.  Once the allocated delegate seats are filled, the remaining candidates become alternates.  Alternates are required almost every year, and are called in order based on the number of votes received. 

If you are an Active KEA member and are interested in running for a statewide delegate position, you must submit your completed nomination form to KEA by 5:00 p.m. eastern on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.  Forms may be emailed to CCC@kea.org; faxed to 502-227-9002; or mailed to KEA, 401 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, KY  40601. No other means of submission will be allowed.  Late submitted forms will not be accepted. 

2020 NEA RA statewide delegate nomination form

Counties by NEA RA election region

KEA Board of Directors NEA RA stipend policy

Local delegates to the NEA RA represent their local association.  Local delegates are allocated based on January 2020 membership numbers.  Local presidents will receive notice of the number of NEA RA delegates they may elect. Local associations are responsible to pay the travel, hotel and other expenses for their local delegates to attend the NEA RA. Local associations that are too small to elect a delegate to the NEA RA have the option to cluster with another local for that purpose. Local presidents can expect to begin receiving information about NEA RA local delegate elections during the late winter/early spring of 2020.